Upcoming Events


Pre-Launch Dinners

Our pre launch dinners this winter and spring have been wonderful times of connection. We’ve enjoyed honest conversations about faith and the future of the church.

At this time no future dinners are scheduled, but subscribe to our mailing list to be notified of any future dinners.

We are just beginning to build what Kinisi Theology Collective will become, and we need your help. We have set aside three nights this winter to test out our concept of theology in community. Our pre-launch dinners give you a taste for what Kinisi looks like, and give us a taste for what is needed and what will work. Dinners consist of a homemade meal, a short lecture in theology, and ample time for discussion in community.

Dinner Theme Topics:

We'll frame each evening around a pressing question for the church.

  1. January 28: What is your hope for the church?

  2. March 4: What does authentic community look like?

  3. April 8: How should we train the next generation of leaders in the church?

  4. May 20: How has Covid changed the church?

  5. June 3: Does Christianity have anything to offer to the modern world?

With your ticket you get:

  • A delicious home cooked meal with libations for those so inclined.

  • A short teaching from Kirsten with some recommended sources to guide our time.

  • A time for guided reflection and discussion in community.

  • A space to ask questions and be taken seriously in those questions.

  • A community in which to form deeper friendships.

  • A network of peers who desire to think carefully about the future of the church.